Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Word From Ellis . . .

I e-mailed my friend Ellis, who will be speaking during Youth Worship this Sunday night and asked him for a short note to those who read my blog. The following is what I received:

"CCM is an inner-city ministry that identifies needs within the inner-city and then plugs folks into those needs. We have been doing this since 2001 and have seen thousands of volunteers come forward and reach out to many thousands of folks in need. Needs may be identified as homeless families, fastest growing percentage of homelessness in the country today, painting and repairing low-income homeowners homes, rehabbing houses (roofing, window replacement, wall repair, plumbing and electrical work, etc.) prayer walking, sports camps, BYBC’s, soup kitchens, nursing homes, performance ministry, and anything that qualifies as a desperate need. Last summer we had over 30 decisions for Christ, and actually served over 3000 folks in need. We would love to have HeirBorn Student Ministries become of the CCM team in helping to meet needs for those less fortunate than ourselves. Looking forward to being with you on Sunday. God bless. Ellis"

I am looking forward to seeing you and Ms. Jonnie this weekend. Our student ministry to looking for what God has for us to do so that we can join Him in His work.

Until Sunday, keep your eyes on Jesus and keep up the good fight.

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