Friday, March 23, 2007

Excitement is in the air . . .

Excitement is in the air at New Hope Baptist Church. One thing that I found out a long time ago is excitement is contagious. One of the things that I have been talking with our students is that they should live their faith out loud. If their friends and family see a difference in their lives they will wonder why. Well, if the world around of sees excitement in our lives they will wonder why. I wonder sometimes if we have forgotten what God did for us when He sent His Son to die on a cross in our place. We are coming into the Easter season when we should be making the biggest impact we can in this world, because we know that the tomb is empty and JESUS IS ALIVE. We should be inviting everyone in our area to join us so that their lives can be changed and our world be changed.
Talking about change - change is always exciting. We should be excited that God is allowing us to get in on the front end of a great work that He is going to do through our church. This is the most excited I have ever seen Pastor Chad and it is rubbing off on me. My focus on what God wants has really been intense over this last week and a half. It really is consuming! All it seems that I want to think about is what God wants to do through our student ministry and how we as His workers can join Him. I am still waiting on a clear word form Him, but I think it is finally getting quiet enough that I can hear now.
Since Sunday I have been at church every night except two. I’ll be back there tonight (New Members Dinner) and tomorrow (Student Leadership Team) and then Sunday. I am really looking forward to Sunday because I am starting something new and I get to listen to two of my favorite preachers – Pastor Chad and Barry Ledford. I am mostly looking forward to Sunday because I get to be back around the students that come on Sunday Nights for their worship time. Don’t be late this week – in fact be early. If you can get there by 4:45 pm it will be great. There are still some great games that we have not played yet and it is supposed to be warm enough to be outside. Remember to wear something that you can run in. If David and Barry don’t have something special planned for the games I may teach you a game I call “Extreme Frisbee”.
Have great day and keep up the good fight.

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