Let me start by thanking my Pastor Chad Bowen for asking me and my wife to go with him and a great group of leaders from our church to a conference in Anderson, SC put on by New Spring Community Church. What a great day we had in fellowship together and at the conference.
The one thing that I was excited about was to hear from the Youth Pastors at New Spring. I wanted to know how their program from their beginnings to now (less than eight years ago) compared to our program. What I realized is that whether your student ministry has 500 students or 5 students, we are all dealing with the same issues, just on different levels. It was also great to get a confirmation from God that you are heading in the right direction. There are exciting new things coming for our student ministry and they will be revealed in the days and weeks to come.
What you are now looking at is one of the exciting new adventures that that God has opened a door for us to explore . . . blogging. After the conference and we arrived back at the church, Irene and I went to a couple of book stores and found a book on this thing called blogging. I am as excited about the power of this as I have been about anything in the last couple of years. I always seem to think of something that I should have said or a part of a lesson that God has made even more clear the day after the sermon or the lesson. Now I have a way of getting that information out along with information about up coming events, lessons, sermons, etc. Maybe I can keep my sermon times inside a reasonable limit.
For now, let me ask you to pray as we try to assimilate (wow big word) what God has shown us and how we can be better about what He has given us to do. Time to get back to the battle. For now, keep your eyes on Jesus and remember the as the battle rages around us, the war has already been won.