Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Prayer Request from Ms. Irene . . .

The following is form an e-mail that I just received from my beautiful wife:

I would like to ask everyone to pray for a gentleman by the name of Tony Jones. He is the founder and director of the clown camp that Allen & I attend during the summer. (Yes we actually learn how to become better clowns for Jesus) He left yesterday to go to Beirut and Amman. He will be there about 10 days. He has asked that God would use him for what ever He has planned. To keep him close to give him guidance for what He has in store. Tony ask that we pray for folks to have an open heart and open mind to receive what God has in store for them. He has also ask that God would put a hedge of protection around him while traveling and while he is there. He also ask that we pray for his wife Nikki, to keep her safe and give her peace. This trip has been in the planning stages for about a year and finally came together about month ago. I'm sure there will be very little communication from Tony about what is going on due to all of the unrest in the Middle East but God knows all that will be happening during the days to come. I'm expecting to hear that God showed up and showed out over there.

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