WOW what a question. The answer that God has shown me in my own life lately is, probably not. I’ve really gotten into this Blogging thing and I am enjoying it a lot. I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts with others. I have also made it a habit to read several other blogs on a regular basis. I read Pastor Chad’s blog and Robbie’s blog everyday. From Pastor Chad’s blog I have started reading blogs by Perry Noble and Steven Furtick quite often. Today’s blogs by Perry and Steven have really got me to thinking about a couple of things: the whys and hows of what I do in the ministry and the people that support me.
Let me start with the whys and hows first. Why I do what I do in the ministry is to bring people to a life changing knowledge of Christ. If I am doing ministry for any other reason, then I am failing at what God called me to do. To follow that up, I need to be preparing others to do the same thing. So, the why is easy, to bring people to a life changing knowledge of Christ. The how is where the hard work begins. We need to be offering the absolute best we can offer every time we do anything at our church. I am not saying that what we need to offer is perfection. Nothing this side of heaven is perfect. What I am saying is that what works for any length of time in the world around us is the best that can be offered by some person or corporation. We serve a God that far out shines anything this world has to offer and yet we often offer second best, hoping that someone might just walk through the door of our church and maybe God can change their lives. Any time we do anything in the name of Jesus, we should be offering the very best; our talents, resources, etc. We should never try to limit a limitless God. He controls time and space. He has all the resources that will ever be needed. If we begin to think God sized, asking to join Him in His work, we will never be limited. Any offering that we make that is second best smells rotten to a Holy God.
Now, for those that give me support in ministry. My main support comes from the greatest gift God ever gave me shy of salvation – my wife Irene. Without her there would be no Mr. Allen and HeirBorn student ministries. She is my best friend and my best critic. She holds me accountable to doing what God has called me to do when I get tired and just want to quit. Irene – you have all my love and that is the best I can give you. As for those people that make up our Student Leadership team – you are the best. Counting Irene and myself, we have sixteen people that love teenagers that form this team. I appreciate more than you will ever know all that each of you brings to this leadership team. I appreciate how you want to learn more about what God can do through each of us to reach a community of students around us. We are actively seeking how God can best use each of us to accomplish His goals for the student ministry and our church. Let me encourage you to keep giving your best and God will best these students that we are seeking to reach for Him. There is a lot of hard work ahead, but I think the best is yet to come.
I am really getting excited about the vision that God is placing in my heart for HeirBorn Student Ministries at New Hope Baptist Church in Mauldin, SC. I can almost see the surroundings for the great youth worship services. God is beginning to give me the events that He wants us to do. God is giving me the places that He wants us to go. What I am seeing clearly is that everything is being driven by evangelism (see yesterday’s post). Everything that we do needs work through the process of reaching out to a community of students that have no idea who we are, but God knows their names.
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus, the lines are forming, the battle is near, but the war is won.
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