Thursday, March 22, 2007

The silence seems almost deafening . . .

Have you ever been in a situation where all the background noise that you are used to stops, like when the power goes out because of a storm? The silence seems almost deafening. That is where I’m at right now. I challenged the youth, this past Sunday evening, to do with out their radios, ipods, etc. (basically their music) for one week and use that time to talk with God through prayer. I will not ask a young person to do something that I, myself, am not willing to do. Therefore, I’m without my radio this week. I’ll admit that I am a talk radio junkie and I am missing that fix. But the thing that is bothering me the most is the quiet. I really want a fresh word from God. I want a confirmation of things done right, correction of things that need to be fixed, at this point anything. What I really want to know is, with all the pieces and parts of this ministry rattling around in my head, is it in the middle of God’s will. I know without being in God’s will there are no blessings and as much as I enjoy God’s blessings, I want to see Him bless this ministry and our students.
I had never thought much about silence and darkness being alike, until this morning. They are both the absence of something; silence is the absence of sound, darkness the absence of light. I picked up a devotional by Beth Moore, that Irene has been using, and the header at the top of today’s page read “Never will He hold your hand more tightly tan when He is leading you through the darkness.” I needed to see that in print this morning. I needed to see that God still has me in His hand. But, I still long to hear His voice and know for sure His will. Please pray with me as I seek God and what He wants for our student ministry.
Just a quick note to some friends that I missed seeing last night at church: to Rachel, Ashley and Candace – I know practice makes it hard for you to get to church on Wednesdays, but you are missed. Brad – I miss seeing you on Wednesdays, hope to see you Sunday. To Katie and Chelsea – hope to see you soon. Mitchell – I wanted to talk last night but there were too many people were pulling on me, hopefully soon we can talk, and we haven’t had a chance lately. Tyler and Thomas – hope to see you Sunday and bring your friends. Thomas J. – the first to turn in a deposit for beach camp – you are da’ bomb. For the rest of the youth group – YOU ROCK!!
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and keep up the good fight.


Anonymous said...

True enough the silence is deafening... but it is a time of purification. A time for you to reflect on your true motives, and desires. If all you want is Jesus and His will, at the end of the silence is the trump!

We wait in anticipation of His voice, wiggling in our seat like children awaiting the opening curtain at a show.

Be still and know that I am God.

He's got it under control, just keep trusting and believing.

ALL things work together for the good, even the silence...

Be blessed. (I'll be standing in agreement with you that His Will shall be done in your ministry)

Crystal said...

I am praying for the youth and for your ministry at New Hope. Have faith - sometimes the weeds must be cleared before a garden can flourish!

Anonymous said...

Hey!! we miss being there on Wednesday, hope to be there next Wednesday!! well see you Sunday!! Have a great weekend!!