Monday mornings are generally reflection times for what went on over the weekend. If you read my post from Saturday, then you know that it was a really great day. Sunday was a great day also but for many different reasons. It started out with an early worship at New Hope. The service had new music from the praise band, our children’s choir had the opportunity to lead us in worship and Willie Lipsey sang again in worship. Every time I hear him sing, I am just blown away at the talent that God has given him. Then Pastor Chad brought us a great message and we had the Lord’s Supper. It was a good morning. After the 11:00 am worship service, we had lunch with the church family. That is always good fellowship and great food. I was a little disappointed that we were not able to get together with the Student Leadership Team to do our personality surveys. But I got over that with an hour nap.
Then Sunday evening came. I was really curious about the student’s response to Ellis Beddingfield and Central Community Ministries. Ellis spoke for about thirty minutes describing the different ministries that we would be able to partner into this summer. I stood back and watched the inner action after Ellis had finished and I talked with some of our students after he had left. The following is what I observed and gathered:
-There are several opportunities that we can take advantage of to join with CCM – varying from leading worship services in small churches in Greenville, to soup kitchens, to light construction, to throwing a Frisbee in one of the parks.
-There are opportunities for those of us that would like to speak with groups that come to Greenville or are a part of our community now.
-There was an excitement in the eyes of our students, that we could assist God in without leaving our home town.
-There was the realization of what a mission field Greenville, SC really is.
-I saw one student, pull money out of his pocket and give it to Ellis to help with ministry in Greenville. I am not sure but I think this student emptied his wallet. WOW, what a movement of the Spirit.
After everything was said and done, I would say that God showed up and this is how I know that. Eyes were opened, hearts were stirred, excitement built, and the want to join in was planted. I always enjoy Sundays, but they are always best when God shows up.
I am really getting excited about next Sunday. It’s Easter Sunday and what a celebration we have to look forward to. The early service has all the makings of the greatest service we have ever seen. We are praying for 200 in the early worship service. I really want to have to bring in chairs. I hope we get to work hard for God, next Sunday. That is also the day the “Elevate” – our new children’s worship in the 8:30 am service kick’s off. Then in the 11:00 am service the choir is bringing the Easter musical. Please make plans to stay for both services, I am. I really want to see standing room only for that service. But most importantly, make sure that you invite all of your lost friends. What a better day to be born again than Easter Sunday. Then we have the rest of the day to be with our families, there will be no evening worship services that night – I think I hear a nap calling my name already.
Until next time, keep your eyes on Jesus.
1 comment:
hey mr allen! thanks for the comment. yeah im pretty sure im going to frankies tonight! and its okay i've just had a little drama issue lately, but we talked it out and i think everythings going to be alright now, i've prayed about it. yeah i really like the idea of CCM i think that it'd be alot of fun. and i'd love it if the band went to a small church and played! we need alot of practice though, haha
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