Friday, April 20, 2007

Words from a crowded mind . . .

I just wanted to get a few lines off to maybe relieve the crowded mind that I have right now. Do you ever feel like there is so much going on between your ears that occasionally if you could just get a few out the over crowding would lessen – so here we go:

Things here at work are chaos right now. Yesterday was a 14 hour day (at the office at 6:30 am and leave at 9:15 pm). That was way too much time in front of a computer. Pray for me, we have a big submittal next Monday and next Friday. After that things should get back to normal – if they ever were normal.

We leave for Charleston this afternoon. I really have mixed emotions about being away. I’m looking forward to good fellowship and good food and the best part to get to share Jesus with children as a clown and some rest. The down side is that I will be away from New Hope on Sunday and will miss seeing my favorite peeps – the students of HeirBorn student ministries.

I can’t wait to hear David’s sermon when I get back. Make sure you record it Brad.

Godstock is a go!!! We are looking at a date in August right after school starts back. Jonathan and his band are on board. I’m praying about the right speaker for this event. Grab hold and hang on, there is a lot of work to be done. We are going to blow it out for this event.

David Roach is really jazzed about all of the evangelistic events that our students came up with and boy did you guys and gals think outside the box. Pray for David as he tries to prioritize these events and then he and I try to get them on a calendar. This summer is going to be a busy summer.

We are going to be eating a Sweatman’s Bar-B-Que tonight in Holly Hill SC. This may be one of the all time great places to eat. I can just about taste it now.

Make sure to keep watching my blog this weekend, I’m going to try to post each day we are there. I have a new idea for a post that I hope to do bi-weekly. Very life application stuff.

Why do we complicate trying to figure out what God’s will for our lives is? JUST DO WHATEVER HE SAYS! See Perry Noble’s blog today.

If I get anymore jazzed about HeirBorn student ministries and the students (the greatest students in the world) I may explode. What a horrible thought – Mr. Allen parts everywhere – yuck.

Just a quick shout – Crystal Ledford you are da bomb; just let Jesus have it and He will give back beyond your dreams. Just remember that following Jesus is never boring. Crystal Symsick – keep on relying on Jesus and praying for your friends – I can’t wait to meet Anna. Ashley and Rachel – email me and tell me about that special thing you are doing on Saturdays. Willie – I’m praying for you pal. Keep up the good fight and blessings are coming. Sunshine – it is great to have you back, I missed you. Thank you for my birthday present. David – thanks for cover Sunday night for me. I could not do this ministry without you and the rest of the leadership team. Barry – I’m praying for you and Elevate as well as finals. Pastor Chad and Robbie – you guys are the best. I am really blessed to have been called to work with you guys.

Well my mind is less crowded now, so I will quit. Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and stay on the alert – the enemy comes to destroy – but he doesn’t believe he is defeated – we know that he is.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

hey mr allen!! im praying for you & mrs irene's trip to charleston! and i know God will speak through you to the children!! we'll miss you this sunday!!