Monday, April 30, 2007

What God is teaching me . . .

Let me start out by saying that I am sorry that I have not posted in a while. Things at the office are really crazy right now, until I can make it past the next submittal that should go out sometime this week.

Yesterday was wonderful. As much as I enjoyed being in Charleston last weekend, yesterday was better. I told Ms. Irene, that I know that I am where I am supposed to be (New Hope) because I miss it so much when I am away. Yesterday morning was great. The message that Pastor Chad brought was wonderful. The music was over the top. But to me, last nights singing was what made the day. First of all – Youth Praise Band – you guys and gals are da bomb. Last night was the best you have ever done. Brandon – keep working on the bass – you did a great job; Thomas – you always surprise me with how good to play the drums; Ashley and Crystal – keep singing out of Jesus – your praise will lead others to raise the roof; Mitchell – you may be the best young musician I have ever seen; Willy and Ms. Terry – we could not do it without you; and Mr. Robbie – thanks for all your time – great leadership shows in those that they lead. I loved all the music last night. I may have the most eclectic taste in music of anyone around – all my favorites showed up last night. Mr. Mark – I loved you sitting in and singing during the jam session. Now I can’t wait for “Godstock” in August (that’s a post all on it’s on).

With all that said and done, back to what God is teaching me. I have been reading in Ezra lately. This is a great book. This is the book where the temple is being rebuilt after the Hebrews had been scattered. What God is revealing to me is the importance of worship and different kinds of worship. All of us worship in different ways – some clap and get excited, while some weep and cry out to God. All are acceptable to God as long as they are offered from the heart to show our love to God. I don’t believe that worship should ever be boring (our fault – not the worship leaders) nor is it a time to come to church sit in a pew with our hands in our laps and act more Holy than we really are. True worship involves participation. If we leave a worship service and have not been touched by God or have not had the opportunity to touch God through our worship it is probably our own fault.

God also has me reading for the second time “Fresh Wind Fresh Fire” by Jim Cymballa. This book is about the Brooklyn Tabernacle and its growth from its very beginnings. What God is showing me in this book, something that I knew but for some reason had not been registering – prayer is one of the most important things that we do as Christians. Prayer is our power. It should be the air that we breathe as a Christian. Pastor Cymballa speaks of crying out to God. This literally means to cry out, to have an urgency – to pray with power. Maybe the reason that the harvest that we have been seeking hasn’t come about yet is because we haven’t cry out for God’s help. God is placing several things on my heart concerning our prayer and our worship. I can’t wait to get back together with the best students in the world and share with them what God is teaching me. All I will say for now is – WOW!

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and not just pray but cry out to God.

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