Friday, April 13, 2007

End of the Week Dash . . .

Well it is the end of the week and once again, it will be a foot race to the finish. I just wanted to get out a couple of thoughts before I dash out to a lunch with a bunch of student pastors in our area.
  • I can't wait until Sunday night. I was able to talk with David a little while last night and tell him a little about the vision that God has given me. Now he's excited, which in turn excites me even more.
  • I get to clown this afternoon at Greenbriar Elementary School. We'll tie balloons for the kids and cut up with the adults. Irene got in her custom made clown shoes - their great.
  • Tomorrow is my 48th birthday. One more day closer to seeing my Jesus, but it sure seems time is getting short for us to get His message out.
  • Have you met the challenge from Wednesday night - have you invited three people to come to church with you Sunday?
  • Good luck to the Hillcrest Lacrosse team tomorrow.

One last thing, and I will admit that it is not my idea - its Perry Noble's. But I'm not proud, and I will borrow it. If you have a question about some scripture, spiritual concept, topic, whatever - e-mail me. I'll try to write about the answers once or twice a week. Maybe it is a question from one of your friends - I'll tackle the question and get you an answer. I may even invite others like some of our student leaders to guest post on this blog. If this seems like a good idea, let me know.

Until next time, Keep you eyes on Jesus.

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