Monday, September 3, 2007

What does it mean to be a disciple . . .?

Sorry this post was supposed to be posted yesterday, but we were having computer problems - so here is my Sunday post.

This morning was our first Sunday with Pastor Chad and Robbie. The early service went very well. Lyle, Ms. Terry, Mitchell, Crystal and Ashley led us in three worship songs – they did a great job. Rev. Ron Davis the DOM of the Greenville Baptist Association brought a great message to our church – it was on what it means to be a disciple of Christ. It was wonderful to sit and listen to this man of God bring a message that hits so close to where my heart beats. He even referred to our students as missionaries to their campuses. The following are the notes that I took form this morning’s sermon:

- Jesus never called us to go into the world and be good church members – he did call us to go into the world and be disciples.
- John 8:31 – a disciple will hold to the teaching of Jesus. We are not only to believe in the doctrine – the sound teaching from the word of God – but our lives should give forth the actions that comes from that knowledge.
- John 13:34 – a disciple will love others. Jesus says that others will know that we are His followers by our love for one another. We were cautioned that when we quit loving others we begin to judge others.
- John 15:8, 16 – a disciple bears fruit for our Lord Jesus Christ. This is not talking about the fruits of the spirit. A disciple bears fruit by producing other disciples.
Rev. Davis left us with one last challenge – that during this time of interim – without a Pastor to guide us – we should strive to grow.

There was a wealth of wisdom in this sermon – if we will take it to heart. There is a cost in being a disciple. Jesus said that if we are to follow Him, we are to take up our cross daily. That is to say that we are to die to ourselves – our preferences, our desires, our agendas – in order that the most important mission we have as Christians be moved to the front of everything that we do – to carry the gospel to the world.

Until next time - keep your eyes on Jesus and lets make disciples.

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