Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday’s fall-out . . .

I am so glad that it is Friday. That means that I am one more week closer to vacation. WOW – two weeks from today we leave for TN and vacation. Anyway, on to today’s post. This afternoon I will be in my shop working on Christmas gifts. I need to finish up one ornament that I have been working on and begin to drill wood for some specialty pens that I have been wanting to turn. Hopefully, these pens will generate some funding for paying off other Christmas gifts. I’ll be back in the shop in the morning and part of tomorrow afternoon. This is a great time of the year for working in my shop since it is not to cold or to hot.
I was talking with Irene this morning at our breakfast date. I’ll post another time about breakfast dates. Anyway, we were talking this morning and she said that she is going to try and type up a devotion that she did for our women’s missions group at church this past Wednesday evening. From what she told me she talked about this should be awesome. My wife can really turn it on for God when the Spirit hits. It will always amaze me that God gave me such a great help mate.
We are off to Union, SC tomorrow afternoon to celebrate our nephew’s first birthday. This should be too much fun. Drake (our nephew) has developed a great personality and he is so much fun to play with and watch. Not to mention that there will be birthday cake.
This week has been premiere week for the fall shows on TV. So far I have been able to watch the first show on Monday evening of “Dancing with the Stars”. Before you give me too much grief, I met Irene while dancing, so there is a warm spot in my heart for dancing. I saw the CSI premiere last night, but tonight I am going to struggle. Stargate Atlantis and Numbers come on at the same time. I am so glad that we bought a DVD recorder. Next Tuesday is the premiere of NCIS. Now you know what I watch on TV, not much.
If this post seems to be all over the place, well it is. I took a break to get some work done and to read a couple of other things - including a post by Ben Arment. He made this statement “It’s not the flock in the pen that concerns me so much as the lost sheep stuck somewhere out there in ravines and thickets. I’m not here to guard the gate. I’m here to do search and rescue.” To this comment I say a resounding – AMEN!! Speaking as a youth pastor – I am not called to be a baby sitter or the primary means of discipleship for students. I am called to carry the gospel to students and to equip students to do the same.
For those of you that may be wondering how my quiet time is going in Romans – this morning I spent time in chapter 9. Paul talks here about Israel’s rejection of Christ. This was done through the people’s reliance on the law. He spoke of their not attaining righteousness because they sought righteousness through the works of the law and not through faith. Paul also shows that in the words of the book of Isaiah a way was made for the gentiles to become children of God. I love the way the Old Testament is revealed in the happenings of the New Testament. I hope I never get tired of studying God’s word.
Until next time - keep your eyes on Jesus and spend some time in God’s word today.

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