Friday, September 7, 2007

Breakfast, Good Friends, and a Multi-post day . . .

Ok, I know that I said that I would get the scripture that goes with the song “What This World Needs” by Casting Crowns posted today – and I will. Just not in this post. To be honest I forgot the journal that has my notes on the dining room table at home, so that post comes later today.

I really like breakfast. Not so much that stuff that they call breakfast – donuts, sweet rolls, cereals, etc. – you get the idea. I like real breakfast – eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, biscuits, gravy, grits, potatoes, pancakes, waffles, etc. That is one of the reasons that I look forward to going to Pigeon Forge every year – we will eat at the Apple Barn almost every morning. Their breakfasts are over the top. I like Friday’s breakfast the best because for the last nine years I have had a breakfast date with my wife. Sure there have been a few dates that we missed, but only a very few. This morning I had the opportunity to start breakfast with a good friend – Toby Dix – before Irene came and joined us. Toby and I have been friends for a quite a few years now. I value Toby as a friend for many reasons, but the main reason is that he strives to be a bold man of God. He really wants to be real in all that he does. I know that if I am doing something that is not in line with what God’s word says he will hold me accountable. He and a few other close friends have helped me over the last few weeks get through a hard and confusing time. For that I will be forever thankful.

Sometimes I think we take our friends for granted and that is a bad thing. I figure that if God felt it important enough to talk about in His word we should take it seriously. People that we call friend is talked about in God’s word and God gives us great guide lines for choosing our friends and what makes a good friend. A true friend will even get in your face if that is what it takes to keep you on track. To all those that I call friend – THANK YOU!! I can never say that enough. To my beautiful wife Irene – whose is the best friend I have – I LOVE YOU!!

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and hold your friends close.

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