Thursday, September 6, 2007

Brain in over-load . . .

Am I the only one that feels like their brain is in over-load? I feel like I have contracted some kind of attention disorder. Before anyone gets their nose out of joint, I am not making fun of someone who may have that kind of disorder. It’s just, lately, I can’t slow my mind down. I’m sleeping fine, but if I’m awake, my mind is running 1000 miles and hour. Just a few quick things that maybe, if I can get these out, I can slow things down:

A shout to my friends Spencer and Janet Ledford. God has answered your prayers and given you a church to minister in. Minister in His strength and His direction. The church will give you a pay check but you work for our Father in heaven. Please Him and a true believer will be pleased with what you bring to your church.

To the students at New Hope – study so that you understand what you believe. Remember who you are and whose you are!! If you don’t understand that last statement, then see me or my wife and we’ll explain it to you. One, more thing – how is the book of Mark going?

To my friends that are starting Metamorphosis Community Church – I am praying for you and excited about what God is going to do through you in this church plant. We miss you!! Keep us posted on how things are going.

I can not get enough of God’s word lately. Everything I do triggers something that I want to look up or study about. I wish everyone felt like I do about God’s word.

Students – See You at the Pole is coming up Wednesday the 26th. Are you preparing to be at your school to pray with your friends? We will be going to a rally at Chick-fil-a that night instead of our usual youth bible studies. Make plans to attend prayer time at your schools and let’s celebrate what God does that night at Chick-fil-a.

I am 5 weeks away from our anniversary trip to Pigeon Forge. We are going up on Friday afternoon so that we can spend some time with some friends that live in TN. I can’t wait – good friends, good food (The Apple Barn, The Old Mill, Alabama Grill, The Alamo steak house) and good rest. Maybe a little shopping to be thrown in on top. It can’t get here quick enough.

I’ll post the second part of the “What the world needs . . .” post tomorrow.

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and can someone please slow this ride down??

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