Thursday, November 1, 2007

Who’s your neighbor – Part 2 . . .

Yesterday we started this discussion about who our neighbors are. Today we will go a little farther. I guess my question would be; why at one time in our society did we know who our neighbors were and today we may or may not know who they are? I think the answer to that question would be – value. Do we place a value on knowing who our neighbors are? Is there value in that person or persons that live next door or down the street from you? In God’s eyes there is. There was value enough in our neighbor that God sent His son Jesus to die on a cross, so that our neighbor could have the opportunity to have a relationship with Him. What we need to be able to do is see our neighbor as God sees them – as a person of value. We need to come to the understanding that God has placed a great value on each and every person in this world. Understanding that, we would never want something that we value to be ignored, forgotten, or discarded as something without worth. When we place a value in the people that live around us, then we will do what is needed to get to know our neighbors and possibly help in bringing about a change in their lives.
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and go next door and introduce yourself.

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