Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Personal Responsibility – Part 1 – personal discipleship . . .

We need to come to the understanding that discipleship is not a program at church; it is a personal walk with our Lord and Savior – Jesus. In Luke 9:23 the statement that Jesus makes is to individuals and it is personal. If you accepted Christ, as your, Lord and Savior and are not striving to follow Him in a personal relationship daily; it is not the church’s fault or the fault of a program, it is your fault. We need to take personal responsibility for our own relationship with Christ. We need daily to be spending time in prayer. Conversation with the Lord was meant to be two way, not a shopping or wish list given in a few moments, say good bye and run. We need to daily be in God’s word. When God gave us His word, it was given for us to spend time in, learning and understanding how we are to live. We need to be saying no to our wants and saying yes to God’s. Discipleship is a personal thing.
Tomorrow we will move onto Part 2 but for now – keep your eyes on Jesus and extra Turkey with gravy for me please.

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