Friday, November 16, 2007

Road tripping . . .

This weekend Irene and I are road tripping to Eutawville, SC. If you don’t know where that is don’t feel bad, there are quite a few people that don’t know where Eutawville is. Just for the record, it is in the lower part of our state – northwest of Charleston. We are going down to spend sometime with our friends Mike and Karen Thompson. Mike and I are going to sit around and talk church plants Saturday. We hope to eat some bar-b-que while we are down there. Then Sunday after church we are heading to Charleston for the afternoon to meet some other friends, possibly for supper.
There is something about getting out of town for a few days that is just relaxing, and Irene and I are both looking forward to this weekend. Good friends, good fellowship and good food make for a great weekend.
Until we return – keep your eyes on Jesus and remember – you never put a screen door on a submarine.

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