Monday, October 23, 2017

The search for Joy . .

As I sit here this morning, drinking my coffee and trying to get the day started; the house is quiet, Irene is trying to go back to sleep, I hear the rain outside, Morris is walking in and out of the kitchen trying to get my attention.  My prayers have been started for the day.  My devotion read along with a few Psalms and I sit here and ponder the meaning of a word.  I have read the definition from the dictionary and yet I think that it falls short of what the word actually means.  The word I ponder this morning is Joy.

I know several Joy's and several of them are dear friends.  But the female use of the word as a name is not what I ponder.  The dictionary defines Joy as "the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation.  The expression or display of glad feelings.  A state of happiness."  Good definitions, but, the Joy I seek is so much more.

The Joy that I seek is not dependant on my situation, or the people that I am with.  The Joy that I seek is not dependant upon an emotion (my happiness), in that, it is still there in the un-happiest of situations. I seek the Joy that can only be found in a relationship with my heavenly Father and being in His presence.  This week I think I will seek out and dwell in and study that Joy.  Would you like to join me?  Open God's word, grab a pen and some paper.  Let's seek His face together.

Post the treasures that you find in the comments and let's share the Joy that we find in this journey together.  These are just a few thoughts from a cluttered mind.  Have a Joy filled day.

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