Monday, October 9, 2017

Blessed . . .

I sit here this morning in the quiet, drinking my coffee and I am safe and dry.  In all honesty, when measured against what some are going through this morning, my life is really pretty good.

I don't know which part of the country that you live in, but around here the weather got a little crazy yesterday evening.  There are several thousand without power here and yet I think of Puerto Rico this morning and they may not see power for weeks.

I saw on the news this morning the a house trailer had been turned over, the owner safe and not hurt.  Yet there is an island in the Carribean, that after one of the four hurricanes so far this year past over the island, nothing is standing.

Four hurricanes have hit the US this year so far.  I don't think that has happened in my life time.  Not that I remember either.  And yet; we still have power, for the most part.  There are those who are still dealing without, but workers are here on the ground making things better.  We have clean water or at least access to clean water.  There are places around the world without access to any clean water.

Even at our worst, we are still blessed beyond most.  I wonder when we will realize this?  I wonder when we will thank the one who provides and protects?  I wonder at what point do we turn back to the God who keeps His hand on this country?  The God who provides and protects.

These are just the ramblings of a cluttered mind.  I pray that you have a blessed day.

1 comment:

Diane Harrison said...

Allen your mind isn't cluttered......your thoughts are spot on. We are a blessed nation, but those that don't realize this don't have God in their lives.