Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Joy - a Stronghold . . .

I sit here this morning in the quiet; my prayers have been started, the word is open and my mind is just beginning to get really going.  I love this time of the day.  I love the quiet.  It gives to time to think without someone pushing me to focus on the loudest barking dog.  if you don't understand that last comment, I'll be glad to explain it one day.

This morning I am thinking about a word.  One that is not used today as much as it was once upon a time.  The word is stronghold.  It brings up pictures in my mind of movies.  It seems like that is one of the few places that you may hear this word used.  The word is defined as Stronghold - a fortified place; a place of security or survival; a place of strength.

I don't know if you are a "Lord of the Rings" fan, but to me it brings to mind the Keep from the second movie and the fortified city from the third movie.  Heavy, fortified, places of safety, places of strength.  A place where the bad things of life can't get to you.

If you haven't noticed lately, the world is a little crazy.  Storms rolled through our area yesterday.  Today there are still people without power.  Property destroyed.  Flooding in some areas.  There are times that watching the news can be a bit overwhelming.  Even at 58 years young, there are days I would just like to crawl inside my blanket fort where nothing could touch me. (If you don't understand that last statement, you really missed something special growing up.)

But, I was reminded this morning that when things seem to be a bit overwhelming, I do still have access to a stronghold.  The stronghold that we can access, that place of strength, is the joy of the Lord.  I am convinced that joy comes from only one place - the Lord.  That joy is not deendant on our circumstances.  It is not happiness, it is joy.  It is strength when times are hard and the world is crazy.  It is our stronghold; a place of safety and protection.

Today, when things get crazy (and they will) I will seek out this stronghold, this strength.  I will seek out the Joy of the Lord.  I will draw near to Him and rest in the knowledge that I am a child the He loves.

"Do not grieve, because the joy of the LORD is your stronghold.”  Nehemiah 8:10

These are just a few thoughts from a cluttered mind.  I hope that you have a blessed day.

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