Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Comfort and Joy . . .

This morning the air is cool in the house and all is quiet except for the clicking of the keyboard.  The coffee is good and is helping me focus this morning.  Have you ever had one of those mornings when the minute that you wakeup, all of the cares of the world seem to close in on you.  One would think that they would give you a day off every once and a while.

Your schedule is to tight; too many things to get done and that list seems not to have a end.  Maybe you have far more month than you do paycheck.  Could be that someone is ill and  the worry and concern just seems stifling.  Let's face it; every morning, this could be any one of us.

Those are the days that I want to run to a place of comfort.  Maybe that is a place where the cares of the world seem to melt away.  Maybe it's a wise person who always seems to have the right answers.  Maybe it's ten minutes by yourself with a cup of hot chocolate.

As I read Psalm 94 this morning and thought about those who wrote those verses, all I could think was how insignificant by worries may have seemed to those men.  I am not the leader of a kingdom, or an army.  My life is not at risk.  I don't really have the weight of the world on my shoulders; although it does seem that way some times.  And yet, my cares are just as important to my Heavenly Father as those of the writers of Psalms.  Our Father in Heaven can be an endless source of comfort and that comfort brings Joy.  We just need to access it more often.  With the comfort that brings joy there is; wisdom, safety, relaxation, stillness, love and so many other things.

Today, when things get crazy, and they will, I think I will seek my comfort in the presence  of my Heavenly Father.  These are just a few thoughts from a cluttered minds.  I hope that you have a comfortable day.

"When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy." Psalm 94:19

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