Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Plans, plans and more plans . . .

As I sit here this morning, I wonder about those that will stumble across this post and take a moment to read these few thoughts.  I always wonder, what do I have to share that someone might want to read.  This morning I share a little bit about how my mind works.  If that doesn't scare you, then continue reading.

I am at my core a planner.   I'm not sure if I have always been that way but that is the only me that I can remember.  It is what makes me a little better than average at what I do for a living.  My work involves deadlines that must be met, schedules that need to be adhered to, or it throws other peoples schedules off track.  Sometimes, if a date is missed, the consequences are not so bad.  Other times, a missed date can cost a get deal of money and trouble for everyone.  My reputation at work lies in my ability to meet a date and turn out complete and accurate plans for a project.

So, everything I do is usually planned.  The crazy thing is, I have done this so long that it now has taken over the balance of my life for the most part.  Everything gets panned.  The funny thing about that is, I married a planner too.

It makes me feel uncomfortable to be in a situation that things are not planned.  But to be honest, sometimes I just wish that everything did not have to be planned.  I have a week's vacation next week.  We were going to travel, but the money was spent on things more important than vacation, so we are going to stay home.  There are plenty of things that need to be done here at home, but even now I am beginning to plan.

I just want to rest.  Not so much my body as my mind.  No planning.  No having to be somewhere at some time for some function.  Funny thing, God's word addresses this.  God commands us to rest in the book of Exodus.

So, next week, I will rest.  No plans.  No deadlines.  Just rest.  Now that sounds like a good plan.  These are just a few thoughts from a cluttered mind.  May God bless you today richly.

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