Friday, October 6, 2017

Seeking Wisdom . . .

(I will be honest; I struggled writing this blog this morning.  I spent as much time taking things out as I did putting things in.  There may be a time that I use this forum as a soapbox, but seeking God's face and asking for His wisdom was the purpose of this morning's blog.  I hope that you find this helpful.  I did. Keep your eyes on the Father.)

As I sit here in the quiet of the morning, I think about things that happened leading up to this point in time, what will happen today and what could happen in the future.  With sadness I still think of the shooting in Las Vegas.  I listen to the news media and those in congress and they all say that they have the answers, and yet, I see no outcome from the wisdom that they offer that makes any sense.

Before you note me as a gun owning flake and dismiss me without knowing my heart, you might want to read on a little further.  I am a gun owner and I will be the first in line to turn them all in as soon as they start getting up, moving around and having a mind of their own.  No one can blame that shooting on the gun any more than they can blame obesity on a fork or a buffet.

The problem is not the guns that this person had access to.  Without the guns, he could have done as much damage any number of ways.  Guns were just the tool that he chose to use.

So, how do we deal with the aftermath of an event like Las Vegas?  I would hope that we seek wisdom in preventing it in the future.  So where does wisdom come from?  According to the scriptures, it comes from the Lord.  We as a nation need to turn back to the wisdom that only comes from a loving God.  We need to spend time in the scriptures, on our knees in prayer, gathered in worship, seeking His face and asking for wisdom.  And as important as anything else, doing what He has directed us to do.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.—PROVERBS 1:7

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.—JAMES 1:5–6

Just a few thoughts from a cluttered mind.  I hope that you have a blessed day.  May God grant you the wisdom to truly make a difference today.

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