Monday, October 1, 2007

Morning overload . . .

Just a few things from this past weekend and the week to come:

I had the privilege of going to Rocky Creek Baptist Church last night to see Spencer Ledford ordained into the ministry. The greatest compliment that I can pay my friend is this – Spencer is a for real man of God. I am proud to call him friend and even prouder of the memories of working along side him and his family as we served God together.

Spencer’s night was a special service of ordination. The creative ministry team blessed those in attendance and blessed God in their special form of leading worship. The creative ministry team was awesome.

The sermon’s that were brought from God’s word for the ordination were brought from 22nd chapter of Genesis and the 1st chapter of the gospel of John. Two great words to challenge and encourage.

Union has no idea that Janet is on the way; but they will. Satan, pack your bags, your days are definitely numbered now.

Yesterday was a good day. Shoot this past weekend was a good weekend.

Irene made a chocolate- chocolate chip cake yesterday. WOW!!

Two weeks til vacation. If I had the money and time off – we would start today.

I turned four pens and a bird house in my shop this past week. I am so happy to be back a work in my shop again.

The music at Rocky Creek was over the top last night.

Worship at Rocky Creek was like going home. It was nice to relax and just be fed.

I ate a Taco Salad at Fuddruckers last night. Awesome salad. Careful of the jalapeƱos – they are righteous.

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and remember – you can’t go fishing in a baseball pool.

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