Friday, October 5, 2007

The end of a great week . . .

WOW! Has anyone else ever had week that seemed long and short at the same time. This has been one of those crazy weeks – but it has been great. I thought that I would share just a few high lights from this week . . .

At my job that pays all the bills – we are finally getting to the end of the project that I started back in March. I was also introduced to our next project. I say this – between now and the end of the year, I will not be bored.

I had the honor of having a friend of mine from college and the ministry at my house Tuesday evening. It was great to catch up on what God has been doing in both of our lives. It is amazing what God is doing and what God is going to do in the future.

I had the privilege of hearing one of my favorite preachers this week – Dr. Johnny Hunt. Listening to this man of God speak on missions was amazing. Thanks to Eric Spann for taking care of the teenagers so that I could take advantage of this opportunity.

I’ve been able to get into my shop two nights this week and this afternoon and tomorrow some. I’m beginning to make some headway into my back log of projects that I need to get done for Christmas presents to be ready.

As I sit here, I am one week to the day from leaving on vacation. I can hardly wait. We’ll make the home made ice cream tomorrow. Pull down the luggage and begin packing. My goal is to be able to get off next Friday at lunch time, go home, pack the car and be on the road by 1:30 pm. We want to be in Pigeon Forge by supper time.

I am looking forward to speaking Sunday evening to the youth. God has shown me a great message from the Old Testament. If you want to study ahead – look at Jonathan, Saul’s son.

I’ve finished the book of Romans and am now starting through the book of Acts. I am really looking forward to reading about the early church.

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and peanut butter and jelly is always great with vegetable soup.

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