I’m sitting here working away and listening to a sermon by a pastor in the upstate and a question hits me – have I become satisfied? Has the church become satisfied? Does everything that our lives revolve around – revolve around satisfaction? I am going to deal with each of these questions in reverse order.
As far as our lives go – a great deal of our lives do revolve around being satisfied. We are satisfied after a good meal. We are satisfied after a nap. We can be satisfied with our jobs, the home we live in, the hobbies that we have, the life that we live. With satisfaction there is no struggle, no discomfort, no inconvenience, just an easy life without struggles – just comfort and often laziness. Yet, I’m sure that is not what God would have us be. God sent His Son to enable us to have life in abundance – not a life of satisfaction. We, as Disciples of Christ, are children of a King and yet, we live as if we would be satisfied to be the child of a ditch digger.
Now on to our churches. I don’t think that there is any doubt that there are a lot of churches out there that are full of satisfied people. They come to church once, twice, maybe even three times a week. They sit in their pews, sing their songs, listen to a sermon and leave very satisfied. As we look around us at a lost a dying world – how can the church be satisfied? What we have lost is the knowledge and emotion of how much God loved us and how much we should love Him. We no longer grasp the concept - that God has sent the church on a mission – and mission work is far from comfortable. If we are doing the work that God has called us to do we will be – stretched, uncomfortable, inconvenienced, pushed to do things that we would normally not do.
Now to the last question – have I become satisfied? I can honestly answer a resounding NO! I have become more and more dissatisfied over the last year than any time in my life. God has place anxiousness in me that has never been there before to see God work in miraculous ways and see people come to a saving knowledge of Him. I have a need to see people walk closer to God in their daily relationship. This all comes from not being satisfied with my relationship with Christ. I want to grow to know Him and love Him more each and everyday. That can only be done through my relationship growing. Through me being stretched, pushed outside my comfort zone, by me being inconvenienced.
My prayer for all that read this post is that God would stir a holy dissatisfaction within them about their personal walk with Him.
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and let’s get to work.
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