Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What’s next . . .

To all that were at New Hope this past Sunday night and to those that were not – I have resigned my position at New Hope as Youth Pastor. Let me get a few things straight up front – I love the people at New Hope, especially the students. This ministry has seen greater growth for the kingdom than any ministry that I have ever had the privilege to lead – 10 students gave their life to Christ in the last year. Yet God has changed the direction that I am to follow and in all honesty I am really excited and more than a little apprehensive. I wonder if this is how Abraham felt when God told him to move but did not give him a destination.
The direction that God has set for me is to help start a new work here in the upstate. I have prayed over this and believe that this is what God wants me to do. This direction change will take me way outside my comfort zone into an area that I have never traveled, but have often wondered about. I have taught and preached to the students and occasionally the adults that we should be living and witnessing in the world in which we live everyday. I believe that our greatest mission field is in our own backyard. This new work will focus on that very area of my life.
I told the students Sunday night that I would be the greatest among hypocrites if I had walked away form this opportunity after asking them to be witnesses on their school campuses for the last year. I believe that the best is still in the future for New Hope, as well as Irene and I. I ask that you pray for us in our new ministry together. I will continue to blog on this site until our website is up. In the days and weeks to come I will be posting about what God is teaching me about this new adventure as well as sharing the vision of what we will be doing is the new work.
I thank New Hope for the opportunity to be the Student Pastor of a great group of young people. Irene and I are not moving and we will always be as close as a phone call away.
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and follow His lead.

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