Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who do you smell like . . .

We are definitely a sensory society. Everything we engage in seems to explode in our senses. I know that I can be walking through a crowd during the summer and smell sun tan oil on someone and suddenly I am 18 years old again and hanging out at the pool (at least in my mind anyway.) If you are wondering where this post is going – I ran across a scripture - 2 Corinthians 2:15 – that says we smell. To be exact – it says that we are the aroma (fragrance, smell, etc.) of Christ to God among those that are being saved. I wonder – do I smell like Christ or do I smell like Allen. I think the Allen would leave a stench in the nose of God, but to smell like His son would bring joy to the Father in heaven.
In a world where a lot of the commercials on television have something to do with either deodorant, body spray, or some perfume – I would rather smell like Christ among those being saved. So, until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and lets make the world smell better.

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