Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Adventures in the book of Acts . . .

To those of you that read my post daily – I am sorry that I have not posted this week. Things here at work are crazy, trying to wrap up this project before I leave on vacation this Friday so that I can start a new project when I return. So just a few things that God and I are dealing with right now . . .

I have been reading in the book of Acts in my time with God. The following are a few things that jump out at me:

  • Church was done much simpler in the beginning. The focus of the church was on the teachings of the apostles, worship, fellowship and prayer.
  • A lot of what was happening - happened in the homes.
  • People were sharing the gospel with everyone they came in contact with.
  • When the Holy Spirit was involved, big things happened.
  • I would really like to be there when 3000 are added after one sermon.

There are also questions that I have rattling in my head after reading these scripture:

  • Have we overly complicated the church?
  • Should we be doing more in our homes and less at the church?
  • Do we share the gospel as freely as those people in Acts?
  • Why don’t we depend on the Holy Spirit more and expect more?
  • What would a church do today if there were 3000 added to their number after one sermon?

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and remember – its hard to roller skate up hill.

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