Friday, June 1, 2007

Friday’s fall out . . .

Just a few thoughts that seem to fall out of my head at the end of a long week . . .

I am blessed to work for a great company. I may struggle with the aggravation from the work week, but I know that as long as I work hard, my bosses have my back.

I think that it is wild, that at 48 years old I’m a student pastor for the best group of students on the planet.

I get to go to Frankie’s Fun Park tomorrow with our students. I get to play video games and putt putt and maybe even eat ice cream.

I have the privilege of preaching for both morning services and the youth service this Sunday. Holy smokes – that’s two sermons in one day. Don’t panic, God’s got it covered.

We have events planned for our students all the way to next February and beyond. Boy are we going to be busy.

I can’t wait for Sunday. The music has been great and is getting better each week. I am looking forward to praising my Lord this Sunday.

Summer's here – our students are out of school and I have to work. I’m jealous!!

I have great friends. One is going to come to my house tomorrow and help me fix a ceiling fan – one of the most aggravating machines on the planet. We’ll have fun no matter what.

We have new t-shirts coming and our students are going to be blown away. I can’t wait to get mine. And yes Robbie – I got another big size for you too.

VBS is coming and I will get to hang with a good friend of mine as he ministers to our students. I can not wait – it is going to be great.

GodStock ’07 is only 85 days away. WOW!!!!!

There are a couple of big black snakes outside my office. What really freaks me out is that the skin that they shed recently is hanging on a tree limb above the walkway into the building. Now I have to look up and down for snakes.

I get to preach three times this Sunday. I am getting so pumped.

I wonder if I can talk my wife into going and getting ice cream tonight.

I’m going to miss the youth leaders that are normally at church on Sunday nights. They will be at the beach this week, along with part of our students – all separate but together is you know what I mean.

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus.

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