I had the privilege of preaching twice yesterday morning. Let me start out by saying that anyone who preaches more than once on a Sunday morning – my hat is off to you. Pastor Chad (my pastor and one of the coolest pastors around) has now been elevated to hero status in my eyes. I told Irene after the first service “if I had to do this every week, I would have to loose weight and go into training.” I was exhausted after the first service and then an hour later I got up and did it all over again. I did enjoy myself a lot yesterday. I don’t know if God will ever move my calling to preaching full time but having the opportunity to preach God’s word is one of the most exciting things I do.
Another tip of the hat goes to my friend Robbie. He is our associate pastor, minister of music, minister of education, etc., etc., etc. He is truly one of the hardest working staff members that I have ever been around. I knew that he did a lot but I actually got to see how much he does yesterday. Robbie – you are da man. Superman and Batman have nothing on you.
Last night with the students we did something a little different – basically because I was brain dead. Some if it was good and some of it seemed lacking as I look back on our session together. I really want to challenge our students not to just spit out word and answers that they have heard someone else say in response to a spiritual question. I want them in God’s word so that they can say with confidence what God has revealed to their hearts and minds. When we had finished at the church; we went to Subway for sandwiches and then to Heritage Park. That was the first time I had been to that park and was very impressed. I really like hanging out with our students. That is one of the reasons that I am really looking forward LZ.
LZ (Landing Zone) is a time on Friday afternoons when we will hang out together at the church to play games, discuss the bible, play music, play video games, etc. It will be a time when we can get to know each other better (that’s called fellowship).
Just a couple of reminders of things that are coming up:
Deposits for the Atlanta trip are due this Wednesday - $25.00
Discipleship classes begin on Wednesday the 13th. This will begin at 6:45 pm in the gym. We will divide up into classes after that. Remember to bring your bibles, a pen or pencil and something to write on.
Youth group guidelines and rules will be given out and explained this Sunday evening at the end of worship. These will need to be returned to Mr. Allen with both your parents and your signatures on them. We will do this occasionally because we are picking up new members in our group.
I am looking forward to next Sunday because the youth leaders will be back from vacation and some of our missing youth will be back from vacation, yet others will be missing on vacation. Sunday will also be great in that Eric Spann is bringing the message to the students that night. I haven’t had the privilege to hear him yet and I am really looking forward to that.
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and live your faith our loud – your life may be the only sermon someone ever hears.
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