Monday, June 11, 2007

Listening to yourself is funny . . .

Have to ever listened to yourself on a recording? I did that for the first time in a long time last night. I had a CD of the sermon that I preached last Sunday made and when Irene and I left the church after youth worship, I popped it in and began to listen. Now, I’m not exactly sure what I thought my voice would sound like recorded, but that was not it. When I heard my voice, I started laughing. When I would tell a joke, I would laugh – yes it is a little strange to laugh at your own jokes. I have had the Sunday evening worship services with the youth recorded since the first of the year and I have not listened to s single sermon until last night. I probably should listen to them a little more, it might make me a better student pastor and a better preacher.

The main reason that I started having the sermons recorded was so that I could have a record of what I had preached and so that I could let friends listen from time to time to help me improve the way I preach. I really need to get back to that because I really want to become better at what God has called me to.

I really hope that God is teaching all of our students and leaders as much as He is teaching me this summer. Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and record yourself and listen to it – it is a hoot.

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