Friday, June 22, 2007

A Great Week . . .

This has been a great week. It has also been a tiring week – but if I am going to be tired, I would just as soon be tired from doing things for my Lord – Jesus. This week has been VBS week and it has been a great week. Just a few thoughts from the week as it stands right now . . .

Tonight is the last night. How can a week go so fast.

Dan Carroll is the bomb. I have known Dan and his wife Kelly for about 12 year now. I love to watch him worship and I love to listen to him teach. There is no doubt that God has His hand on him and his ministry.

I will not plan a trip out of town the weekend before VBS next year. Unless it is a really good trip.

The students have definitely stepped up this week. I have watched as they stepped up to lead in worship through singing and playing their music. I am very proud of our students. They use the talents that God has given them for His glory.

God is giving me great ideas for this fall.

Soft base tennis ball is a game that everyone enjoys. Now I have to find a tennis racket that we can keep at the church. Kick-ball with a big kiddy ball is fun. I’m getting lots of new ideas for games.

We’ve been in the celebration time with the younger kids at the end of the night. I think that Mr. David is going to have girls throwing water balloons at him. I think I need front row seats for this.

I’m really looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule again.

I need to say I’m sorry to Crystal. I started something with a red pen that Mitchell (you need to say you’re sorry too) took over. I should not have started that – but it was fun. I’m sorry.

I don’t get to preach again until August.

Dan has challenged us about what we do for Jesus. He asked us what our passion is. So what is your passion and how are you using it for Christ?

I’m really tired, kind of. Physically tired – spiritually and mentally I’m supercharged. Now I just want some study time to spend with God and His word.

Well, I need to stop. Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and let’s get passionate for Christ.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

speaking of pens
im going to beat mitchell up for giving it to you. haha
great job with VBS dan carroll was really cool and i really love softbasetennis ball. haha