Maybe I’m just brain dead but in my life right now God seems to be really quiet. There was a time recently when God was speaking clearly and so often that I felt like I couldn’t keep up with all that He was saying and teaching me. Now there is just quiet. I really miss His voice. Usually this happens when I have gotten so busy that I let everything else take up space and make noise. In reflection, last week was a very busy week: Stone Mountain, Six Flags, VBS, and work on top of it all. Now my attention is turned to the balance of the summer and GodStock in August. It just seems like there is a lot of noise that I am trying to get through just to hear that special voice that I want to hear so much.
Pray for each other. It seems that Satan has gained a foot hold in our group some how and there are quite a few struggling spiritually. Pray for a fresh word from God as we move into the middle of the summer and pray as I now begin to look at next year as I look a putting together a budget for next year. I really feel that the best is yet to come this summer.
I am excited about one thing; we now have a speaker for GodStock – Matthew Elrod. I am excited about him coming and bringing a word form God. I am going to try and meet with Pastor Chad and Robbie next week and talk over some things because promotion time is coming up fast.
I am really looking forward to this Sunday evening, being back to normal schedule. David Roach will be bringing the word God has placed on his heart. Invite your friends and let’s pack the place out.
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and listen for a fresh word – it’s coming.
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