Monday, August 20, 2007

Sunday reflections . . .

Just a few thoughts from yesterday:

I now understand why Preachers don’t want to talk to people on Sunday before their time in the pulpit. Yesterday was the first time my mind and spirit was so scattered that it was hard to stay focused enough to preach. My hat is off to all pastors that suffer this every week.

It was great to see our church pray over our students and teachers last night. There is definitely something special about a time where your church lays their hands on people and commits to support them in prayer.

I really believe that we are going to see a change in our school’s campuses because of the students and teachers that are going back to school today.

GodStock is only six days away. I am really getting pumped. Keep praying – God is going to do a mighty work in front of us this weekend. He has made the arrangements – we need to be obedient.

I had the privilege of preaching the first sermon of the summer and the last sermon of the summer.

I look forward to hearing from our students and teachers about their first week back at school. I really hope that God grants them the boldness to do what He has called them to do.

I sometimes feel like Paul – is anybody listening – is any of this making a difference.

I look a churches around us and “business is picking up.” God is supplying workers for the harvest. The fields are ripe. Don’t stand back and miss taking part.

God has messed me up with this vision He has given me. My only rest is in Him and the knowledge that He will accomplish the vision – I need only be obedient with what He has given me.

Sometimes you just have to get out of the boat – even if you can’t swim. Just keep your eyes on the master and walk on top.

What I have come to the conclusion about is that anything Jesus did, He generally upset someone.

I wonder sometimes – if Jesus came back to our world, not to take us home to heaven, but just to hang out – who would He hangout with?

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and remember who you are and whose you are.

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