Sunday, August 19, 2007

Can we afford to play it safe . . .

I was following along in the sermon this morning and Pastor Chad asked us to go to Matthew 25:14-30. This is the parable of the talents. I have been reading “The Message” lately, so that is the bible that I had with me this morning. When you read this parable in this bible and get down to the last verse or two the master refers to the servant that would not risk anything as one who plays it safe.

That got me really thinking. In the time that we live, can we afford to play it safe in carrying the word of God to the world around us. I was reading in a blog the other day where it talked about church in terms of baseball. What this blog post suggests is that the church needs to get dirty. I grew up with a brother and a dad that were both into sports, especially baseball. One thing was for sure, if they played in a game they got dirty. We need to understand that God has called us to be in the game of life, not spectators to the game of life. When was the last time that you got dirty for God? When was the last time that you did something for God that was cutting edge? When was the last time that you partnered with God in what He is doing?

Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and let’s get dirty.

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