Monday, August 27, 2007

Are You Willing to Step Up . . .

Well, the weekend is past and there was a lot that happened. Some I will post later in the week and one I am going to arrange for a guest to post about.
Yesterday was Pastor Chad and Robbie’s last day at New Hope as our Pastor and Associate Pastor. I personally am going to miss my friends. I have seen our church grow over the past year – not just in number of people coming but also spiritually. Some may not agree with that and I am sorry that you feel that way. What I see in the bible is that any time Jesus did a work where the kingdom was increased or a miracle was done there was controversy. There were people that did not like Him doing what He did. These were usually the religious people in the crowd. These were also those that should have recognized a work of God, but they missed the point of what Jesus doing. Pastor Chad and Robbie have done a great work for the Lord at New Hope and we should all be thankful that we were there to be a part of it.
I believe that God still has a great work to be done at our church. I look forward to meeting the Interim Pastor the God has set aside to help us continue to advance forward. My question to those that read my blog is this – are you willing to step up? In order for God’s kingdom to continue to advance forward through New Hope we have got to step up. We need to spend more time in prayer and bible study than we ever have. We need to invite people to be apart of our fellowship. We need to share what God has done in our lives. We need to live our faith so that the world around us can see Jesus. If we are not careful Satan can gain a foothold in our fellowship in this time of transition. But, if we step up – join God in what He has started, continue the work that He has birthed – I believe that we will see our church continue to grow. We need to keep our focus and continue to work.
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and stay on the wall.

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