Thursday, August 9, 2007

Be Still . . .

Am I the only one that has a problem sometimes, just stopping and letting go of the controls. There have been times in my life (like right now) that I needed to just stop and understand that God is still on the throne and He is still in control. This morning through all that is going on in my life right now I was drawn to a passage that states that we need to be still (to let be and be still, to get out of the traffic, to stop and recognize) and know that God is still God.

There was also a word used in this scripture that I had seen, but never really thought about much – Selah. According to the Amplified Bible this word means to pause and calmly think about. Once again going back to being still. I like to fool myself into thinking that I am always in control. What I have come to realize about myself in light of who God is, is that I am not in control of anything – really. God is still in control. He allows me to decide of my own choosing if I am going to join Him in an opportunity or not. But, what I understand from my walk with Him, is that He will accomplish His goals with or without me. God does not need us, but He wants us. It should always be our greatest pleasure to serve our God.

So I invite you to be still and know that God is still in control. Whatever we are going through – He is still in control of. God promised that He would never give us a burden to heavy to bear with His help. Don’t try to understand it – just know that He is God.

Until next time – Keep your eyes on Jesus and know that He has everything taken care of.

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