Monday, July 23, 2007

Salutations from Clown School . . .

For those of you that may not know what that title means – greetings, hellos, alohas, from clown school. Please be in prayer for us as we seek God in our clown ministry. To those of us that are here, this is like revival. It is not only a time to get together and learn new skills and develop new characters, it is most importantly a time of spiritual reflection.

This will be a short post because one – I’m tired. I have been averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night since getting here. Secondly – I don’t want to miss out on anything. I have the privilege to be at a school where we have the official artist of the Ringling Brothers Circus. I have been sitting here as I post and watching him design clown faces for people. I sat in a class earlier and listened to him teach – WOW – what an opportunity.

We have an official prayer consultant on staff this year that we can meet with and she keeps notes and helps us pray through things that each of us is dealing with. I had a chance to share with her last night and she is now praying for our student ministry and our taking the school campuses for Christ this year. This place is so cool.

For now – keep your eyes on Jesus and let us all reflect Jesus in all that we do.

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