Thursday, July 12, 2007

What the "French Toast?"

First and foremost I would like to thank Mr. Allen for allowing me the opportunity to post on this blog site. Most of you know that I am pretty much an "idiot" when it comes to computers. It was a task to just get me set on the account to even be able to blog, but thanks to Mr. Allen and his technological skills here I am, even though I did have to retrieve my password that I forgot. (I know Mr. Allen you told me I would lose it!!!) The problem is when I get ready to use it again will I remember where it is!!!

I would like to share a question that someone asked me recently. "What is God calling you to do?" One year ago I couldn't answer that question as humbly and earnestly as I am able to today. When God placed the calling on my life to be a minister I really didn't know exactly the where, how, what, and the whys. Even though I still don't know all the answers, God has really been working in my life to show me the direction HE wants me to take. So, here is my answer to that question. God has given me the heart and desire to reach the lost, the unchurched, and the unsaved. I know what you are thinking, "That is what we all should be doing" but realize this I think we fail horribly at this. We tend to get wrapped up in our own "LITTLE SELVES", our own "LITTLE LIVES" and own "LITTLE WORLDS" becoming numb to those who are lost around us. You see, GOD has instilled in me the love for these people, and yes it is an ugly world, and yes it is frustrating at times, and yes I lose sleep over it at some nights (OK, allot of nights), but the passion that GOD has placed on my heart for these people is undeniably one of the greatest callings one could ever experience. Remember guys, we were ones of those people at one time, and someone stepped up and shared the gospel with us!!! GOD validates this calling every day in my life, all I have to do is ask and trust GOD for HIS wisdom and HIS desires and for HIS courage to reach a lost and dying world.

Where is GOD leading me? What is GOD going to do with me? How is GOD going to accomplish things through me? I still can't answer those question, but that's OK, because I know that GOD is going to break down denominations, change lives, and resurrect a falling world by using me as a vessle. ( NOW THAT'S GOOD STUFF)

So the next time you feel like asking GOD, "WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?" Hang tight, be still, and listen HE will reveal HIS plans for you!!!!


1 comment:

Crystal said...

great blog mr david :]