Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why I do This?

   Sometimes I think that you have to evaluate what you are doing and why.  I also think that it is good to write it down so that we can remember why we do it 20 minutes from now.  Don't get all high and mighty when I say that.  Your life is as chaotic as mine is.  I'm always impressed that I remember anything at the rate that things flow through this brain of mine.
   Why did I start this blog?  Well, it was for the youth group that I was working with at the time.  Now, not so much.  Now it's for me.  To force me to order my thoughts and focus on the things that need to be focused on.  A road map of a road traveled.  Of things done well and things that have been botched.  Now it is a way for me to stay focused on God and His direction.
   So what is the direction that God is leading me right now?  Well, Irene and I along with Scott and Joye Garrett are starting to lead a small group.  We had our first meeting together this past Sunday and I am really encouraged by the people in our group and the plans that we have made so far.  I am on a journey to lose weight and keep it off this time.  I am down about 60 pounds as of right now.  This journey will last a while longer and I will probably post things about that journey here.  I am trying to disciple two guys right now, although I don't think that I am doing a very good job of that right now.  I need to re-establish that focus in my life.  At work I am working more as a coordinator than a designer right now.  Part of that is in my comfort zone and part not even close.  All of that is in God's hands to equip me for that change if that is the direction that He is directing me to go.
   Anyway, to stop the rambling, the day has to get started and I have work to do.  Keep your eyes focused on God and ever follow His direction.  Good day.

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