Monday, March 18, 2013

Praise the Lord ? ? ?

   This morning I finished spending about a month in the book of Psalms.  I'll soon be 54 years old and I'm not sure that I have ever just read through the book of Psalms start to finish.  Don't get me wrong; I've spent time in the book of Psalms but I don't think I've ever just read through the book start to finish before.
   There are a couple of thoughts that I would like to share after this time in God's word.  I have heard people for years make two statements: that the Psalms were a gathered group of songs and people talk about praying through the book of Psalms.  As I read through this book in the bible, this time, I found a group of gathered prayers (the songs that people had referred to.)  I'm not sure I ever saw this before as I read through this book in a scattered way.  But suddenly I understood what people meant when they talked about praying through this book of the bible.
  The one thing that I did notice is in the book of Psalms; consistently God is praised.  As I think about my journey as a believer and from being around other believers; I wonder if we understand the concept of Praise the Lord.  I'm not talking about the songs that we sing during worship on Sundays.  I'm talking about praising the Lord in our personal prayer time.
   I've always tried to be transparent in my daily walk with those that I am close to.  Even now I think about my time with the Lord this morning and it all seems so rushed.  My prayer time seems to be a list of hurts, hopes, wants, and needs.  What I don't notice is praise.  I wonder how many other in my life would say the same thing?
   I don't hear people speak of the wonderful things that the Lord does in out lives each and every day.  We are a blessed people.  Even now I think of how blessed I am.  I wonder what life would be like if instead of talking about my aches and pains, when people ask my how I am, I talked about how great God is in my life and the wonderful things that He is doing. 
   Will you join me in making a change?  I wonder how this will change my life and the lives of people around us?  There is only one way to find out.  Praise the Lord.

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