Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Reflections on last night and this morning. . .

As I sit here this morning thinking about last night, honestly I am a bit overwhelmed and I'm not sure why yet. What I am sure about is that God will reveal that in His time so that I understand. If I can just stay focused.

Last night Irene and I, along with the small group leaders at Renewal Church, had the privilege of being encouraged by a wonderful leader and man of God, Jeff Doyle.  He basically took us from creation to restoration in an hour explaining how important this story is to the people that come to our small groups every week. I've seen and heard others do this before and yet there was this overwhelming excitement in me as I listened to the guy speak. Even now, almost 12 hours later I just want to pour through the Scriptures seeking out those truths of the Scriptures that he discussed last night.

Then as I settle into God's word this morning I find myself in Hebrews 11 - the faith chapter. To read of the heros of faith and the lives that they lived should make us all stand up and take notice. Because of last night and this morning there is a renewed stirring in my spirit to focus my life not on the things that will pass away but on things eternal. This is what I've been needing to help get my disciplining spirit.back on track. Father forgive me for not staying focused.

As for now, it's time to head off to work. Keep your eyes on Jesus and open to a lost world around us. Who will your life touch today?

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