Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Reflections of the Weekend . . .

As I sit here this morning struggling to wake up I'm thinking about the weekend and how good it was. All in all I didn't get anything major accomplished but it was still a good weekend.

Friday was work until lunch time and then I was able to have lunch with my mother and my wife. After I took mother to help with a short project I went and hung out at Sharpshooters for a little while. Then it was off to the eye doctor for a check up and then supper with my best girl and wandering through Academy sports before heading home.

Saturday is always weigh in day at weight watcher's. Down 0.2 pounds. Breakfast with friends. Looking around Cosco (spelling?)  and then to the Clock for one last lunch before it closes. Naptime follows and then supper with friends.

Sunday was my favorite day of the weeeknd. Breakfast with my sweetheart at her favorite breakfast spot in Greenville -  Cracker Barrel. Then to Renewal for worship with my church family. Nap in the afternoon and a gathering of church members to work through some of the business of the church. Small group fellowship at Five Guys and then home.

All in all a good relaxing weekend. It should be a start to a good week. Let's keep our eyes on Jesus and remember that Easter isn't about bunnies and baskets as much as it is a resurrected Savior.

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