Friday, March 22, 2013

Don't turn a deaf ear. . .

As I sit here this morning and read in the book of Hebrews (in The Message) I come across a statement "don't turn a deaf ear.  . ."  This is referring to the Hebrew children as they wandered in the wilderness and I can't help but wonder how often I have a kindred spirit with these that God is referring to in this statement.

God is talking about the ability of the Hebrew children to be led out of Egypt, something that they couldn't do on their own, and yet they still believe that they know best. The story that they are living out wasn't been told to them, it is something that they are living out first hand. They see God divide a sea and let them walk through on dry land. They are there when water springs from the ground in the middle of no where. They are there when all they have to do is.gather up food, including meat each day, supplied by God.  Yet, God tells them He will take care of them, He will give them a land that doesn't belong to them and they still don't listen and they still don't believe.

Looking back at my life, I have to note how often that has been a picture of me. Father please forgive me for not listening.  For not believing. For having to wander in a desert to get my attention.  Father help me to keep my ears attuned to your voice and not my own. To follow your direction on faith and not force my opinion into a situation. Father help me not to be a child that aways have their way.

For now: keep.your ears open and your opinions to yourself.

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