This.morning's quiet time was nothing like what I had planned. I got my coffee and came to my chair as usual. Settled in to pray before reading my bible and then everything changed.
Morris showed up in a big way. Morris is my female cat and she wanted my undivided attention this morning. While God and I were talking Morris crawled up in my lap and then onto my chest and shoulder. She then proceeded to knead her way to a spot on my chest and shoulder and laid down and began to purr.
Funny how my thoughts and attention changed in the moment. All I could think of was - that was exactly what I wanted to do with God this morning. I wanted to crawl up in His lap and get as close to Him as possible and lay there. Contented. No cares. No worries. Just enjoying His presence. Just paying Him attention.
I wonder how often I come to my time with God as just a habit and not a time to actually be with Him? What a shame that I would ever do that. God always deserves our undivided attention. May I always be aware need.for.a.close relationship with my Father in heaven.
For today - crawl into God's lap and rest a while. Mean while I have to go to work. Good day.