For those of you that may not know what that title means – greetings, hellos, alohas, from clown school. Please be in prayer for us as we seek God in our clown ministry. To those of us that are here, this is like revival. It is not only a time to get together and learn new skills and develop new characters, it is most importantly a time of spiritual reflection.
This will be a short post because one – I’m tired. I have been averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night since getting here. Secondly – I don’t want to miss out on anything. I have the privilege to be at a school where we have the official artist of the Ringling Brothers Circus. I have been sitting here as I post and watching him design clown faces for people. I sat in a class earlier and listened to him teach – WOW – what an opportunity.
We have an official prayer consultant on staff this year that we can meet with and she keeps notes and helps us pray through things that each of us is dealing with. I had a chance to share with her last night and she is now praying for our student ministry and our taking the school campuses for Christ this year. This place is so cool.
For now – keep your eyes on Jesus and let us all reflect Jesus in all that we do.
The opinions shared on this blog are those of the writer and should not be considered those of anyone else, because that would be the opinions of someone else and not this writer.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those adults involved in pulling off another successful LOCK-IN. You guys are the greatest!!! This event as well as others would not be possible without you. I thank GOD every day for putting you in my life.
Youth Group what an awesome turn out!! You guys really stepped up!! I am impressed. I can only imagine how GOD must feel. This is what it is all about. Reaching out, sharing Christ and having FUN doing it!!! One last thought before I move on. I just would like to say "What is up guys?" I have never heard so much "SMACK" talked by a group of girls. I mean I literally was embarrassed for you guys when I had the opportunity to talk with some of the girls that actually out ran, out drove, and from the way I see it out classed you on every GO-Kart track you were on. Not to mention those of you that actually were put in the wall by some of these girls. I know.. I know.. I heard some of the excuses you guys came up with "You didn't want to wreck a girl, You didn't have a fast Kart, Your Kart was a piece of junk!!!... well don't worry I'm sure that is what the Indy drivers say when Dana Kirkpatrick blows by them too!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to speak last night as we continued our "Summer Series Sermons" Your attention and participation in small groups was amazing. You guys will never know how much you impact my life and my ministry for God.
One Last thing...God has laid something on my heart I would like to share with you, especially after last nights sermon. I am praying that one of you will step up for Christ. Become a leader, be that person among your piers to be on FIRE for CHRIST. A Student Leader that not only can be EFFECTIVE among the youth group, but can be EFFECTIVE on their campus. (Romans 10:14-15). So STEP UP, QUIT turning EXCUSES into REASONS, and lay it down for CHRIST!!!!
Mr. David-
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those adults involved in pulling off another successful LOCK-IN. You guys are the greatest!!! This event as well as others would not be possible without you. I thank GOD every day for putting you in my life.
Youth Group what an awesome turn out!! You guys really stepped up!! I am impressed. I can only imagine how GOD must feel. This is what it is all about. Reaching out, sharing Christ and having FUN doing it!!! One last thought before I move on. I just would like to say "What is up guys?" I have never heard so much "SMACK" talked by a group of girls. I mean I literally was embarrassed for you guys when I had the opportunity to talk with some of the girls that actually out ran, out drove, and from the way I see it out classed you on every GO-Kart track you were on. Not to mention those of you that actually were put in the wall by some of these girls. I know.. I know.. I heard some of the excuses you guys came up with "You didn't want to wreck a girl, You didn't have a fast Kart, Your Kart was a piece of junk!!!... well don't worry I'm sure that is what the Indy drivers say when Dana Kirkpatrick blows by them too!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to speak last night as we continued our "Summer Series Sermons" Your attention and participation in small groups was amazing. You guys will never know how much you impact my life and my ministry for God.
One Last thing...God has laid something on my heart I would like to share with you, especially after last nights sermon. I am praying that one of you will step up for Christ. Become a leader, be that person among your piers to be on FIRE for CHRIST. A Student Leader that not only can be EFFECTIVE among the youth group, but can be EFFECTIVE on their campus. (Romans 10:14-15). So STEP UP, QUIT turning EXCUSES into REASONS, and lay it down for CHRIST!!!!
Mr. David-
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Thoughts at the end of a tiring day . . .
I am sitting here in the lobby of the Georgia Baptist Conference Center at 9:00 pm at night, blogging on three hours of sleep. We got here at about 3:00 pm this afternoon, got the trailer unloaded and now I have a few minutes to myself. The staff is here for the clown school and we have begun to re-connect with some special friends. I am really excited about the leaders this year. Now don’t get me wrong, our teachers are always the best but this year seems to be a little bigger and a little better. One of our teachers is the official artist for Ringling Brothers – I can’t wait to sit in his classes. But the greatest thing about these men and women is their testimonies for Christ and what He has done in their lives. Anyway, enough about where I am – I will talk about that all week long – just a few thoughts at the end of a long day.
First off – my hat is off to all of the adults that made the mid-summer lock-in a success. Since coming to New Hope I have seen something happen that I had never seen in any of my other ministries – students getting saved at a lock-in. The first lock-in that we did was back in December and we had four students accept Christ that night. Last night we had one student accept Christ as Lord and Savior and other students that dealt with some serious issues during the lock-in. That is the only reason that we do lock-ins. The further I go in ministry the more I realize that an event for the sake of church kids getting together for another Holy Huddle is not what God has called us to do. I really want to see God show up and change lives. I am blessed to have two leaders who head up this lock-in ministry and they are over the top because they want to see students not just gather together but to see changed hearts for the kingdom.
To all the students that invited your friends, thank you. Between adults and students we had 58 in attendance. We heard some great music from Willey Lipsey who is always over the top. Then we heard a testimony from Brian Tillotson who played football for Clemson University. Brian is a big guy who played big football, but he has an even bigger testimony. Brian – you are over the top and we pray God will use you up for His glory. We then had the priveledge of hearing Jason Patterson. All I can say is WOW!! What a message from God.
There was one thing that I guess will always bother me about an event like we had last night – that’s when I have a student look at me and say that they feel left out and like an outsider because no one is talking with them. I understand that God is still working on our group and I understand that we all have those certain special friends, but I would hate to think we miss a life for Christ because we don’t do something as simple as speak to someone and make them feel a part of something bigger that themselves. All in all the lock-in was a great success.
Enough about all that – I’m tired, so – keep your eyes on Christ and keep you eyes open for an opportunity to make someone feel special and a part of the group.
First off – my hat is off to all of the adults that made the mid-summer lock-in a success. Since coming to New Hope I have seen something happen that I had never seen in any of my other ministries – students getting saved at a lock-in. The first lock-in that we did was back in December and we had four students accept Christ that night. Last night we had one student accept Christ as Lord and Savior and other students that dealt with some serious issues during the lock-in. That is the only reason that we do lock-ins. The further I go in ministry the more I realize that an event for the sake of church kids getting together for another Holy Huddle is not what God has called us to do. I really want to see God show up and change lives. I am blessed to have two leaders who head up this lock-in ministry and they are over the top because they want to see students not just gather together but to see changed hearts for the kingdom.
To all the students that invited your friends, thank you. Between adults and students we had 58 in attendance. We heard some great music from Willey Lipsey who is always over the top. Then we heard a testimony from Brian Tillotson who played football for Clemson University. Brian is a big guy who played big football, but he has an even bigger testimony. Brian – you are over the top and we pray God will use you up for His glory. We then had the priveledge of hearing Jason Patterson. All I can say is WOW!! What a message from God.
There was one thing that I guess will always bother me about an event like we had last night – that’s when I have a student look at me and say that they feel left out and like an outsider because no one is talking with them. I understand that God is still working on our group and I understand that we all have those certain special friends, but I would hate to think we miss a life for Christ because we don’t do something as simple as speak to someone and make them feel a part of something bigger that themselves. All in all the lock-in was a great success.
Enough about all that – I’m tired, so – keep your eyes on Christ and keep you eyes open for an opportunity to make someone feel special and a part of the group.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The Next Inductee to "The Core" . . .

Let me remind you what “The Core” is – it is people who make up a special group of students and leaders that are willing to fulfill the fifth step in the purpose of our student ministry – that would be ministering to the world around us in love. This is an incredibly important part of what we do because it shows that we are following the example that Jesus set for us. The first two inductees were Ashley and Rachel Runyan for the volunteer work that they do on the weekends at a retirement home in our area.
The newest inductee to "The Core" is a young lady who has stepped out of the boat and into the water in a big way. She blogs her devotion almost everyday so that anyone who reads her blog can see her walk with God. She is a motivating factor in compelling her family to be in church. She loves music and she loves her church and she loves her youth group. She is willing to step up and step out when she is called upon to serve. I am very proud to have her as part of our group and more importantly, part of a ministry for God. Crystal Symsick is the third inductee into "The Core".
Until next time - keep your eyes on Jesus and look for ways to serve our Lord in the world around us.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
What the "French Toast?"
First and foremost I would like to thank Mr. Allen for allowing me the opportunity to post on this blog site. Most of you know that I am pretty much an "idiot" when it comes to computers. It was a task to just get me set on the account to even be able to blog, but thanks to Mr. Allen and his technological skills here I am, even though I did have to retrieve my password that I forgot. (I know Mr. Allen you told me I would lose it!!!) The problem is when I get ready to use it again will I remember where it is!!!
I would like to share a question that someone asked me recently. "What is God calling you to do?" One year ago I couldn't answer that question as humbly and earnestly as I am able to today. When God placed the calling on my life to be a minister I really didn't know exactly the where, how, what, and the whys. Even though I still don't know all the answers, God has really been working in my life to show me the direction HE wants me to take. So, here is my answer to that question. God has given me the heart and desire to reach the lost, the unchurched, and the unsaved. I know what you are thinking, "That is what we all should be doing" but realize this I think we fail horribly at this. We tend to get wrapped up in our own "LITTLE SELVES", our own "LITTLE LIVES" and own "LITTLE WORLDS" becoming numb to those who are lost around us. You see, GOD has instilled in me the love for these people, and yes it is an ugly world, and yes it is frustrating at times, and yes I lose sleep over it at some nights (OK, allot of nights), but the passion that GOD has placed on my heart for these people is undeniably one of the greatest callings one could ever experience. Remember guys, we were ones of those people at one time, and someone stepped up and shared the gospel with us!!! GOD validates this calling every day in my life, all I have to do is ask and trust GOD for HIS wisdom and HIS desires and for HIS courage to reach a lost and dying world.
Where is GOD leading me? What is GOD going to do with me? How is GOD going to accomplish things through me? I still can't answer those question, but that's OK, because I know that GOD is going to break down denominations, change lives, and resurrect a falling world by using me as a vessle. ( NOW THAT'S GOOD STUFF)
So the next time you feel like asking GOD, "WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?" Hang tight, be still, and listen HE will reveal HIS plans for you!!!!
I would like to share a question that someone asked me recently. "What is God calling you to do?" One year ago I couldn't answer that question as humbly and earnestly as I am able to today. When God placed the calling on my life to be a minister I really didn't know exactly the where, how, what, and the whys. Even though I still don't know all the answers, God has really been working in my life to show me the direction HE wants me to take. So, here is my answer to that question. God has given me the heart and desire to reach the lost, the unchurched, and the unsaved. I know what you are thinking, "That is what we all should be doing" but realize this I think we fail horribly at this. We tend to get wrapped up in our own "LITTLE SELVES", our own "LITTLE LIVES" and own "LITTLE WORLDS" becoming numb to those who are lost around us. You see, GOD has instilled in me the love for these people, and yes it is an ugly world, and yes it is frustrating at times, and yes I lose sleep over it at some nights (OK, allot of nights), but the passion that GOD has placed on my heart for these people is undeniably one of the greatest callings one could ever experience. Remember guys, we were ones of those people at one time, and someone stepped up and shared the gospel with us!!! GOD validates this calling every day in my life, all I have to do is ask and trust GOD for HIS wisdom and HIS desires and for HIS courage to reach a lost and dying world.
Where is GOD leading me? What is GOD going to do with me? How is GOD going to accomplish things through me? I still can't answer those question, but that's OK, because I know that GOD is going to break down denominations, change lives, and resurrect a falling world by using me as a vessle. ( NOW THAT'S GOOD STUFF)
So the next time you feel like asking GOD, "WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?" Hang tight, be still, and listen HE will reveal HIS plans for you!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Reading, listening, and thinking . . .
God is really good when He only speaks in short statements. Let me explain – as I stated yesterday, Ms. Mary bought me a new book to read by Mark Hall who is the lead singer for Casting Crowns and just happens to be a student pastor that gets it. (By the way, if you don’t have this book, go get it and read – the name is “Lifestories”.) As I am reading this book about the stories that led up to Mark writing the music for the group, God begins to speak in little short statements. Short statements are good because long and drawn out can be overwhelming. Through all of this I now have a couple of new favorite songs and concepts for some great messages from God and His word. I am now going to borrow from one of my students, Crystal Symsick, and talk about music.
The first song is “Does Anybody Hear Her”. This song has been haunting me since I heard it for the first time. Being the introvert that I am, I have a tendency to study people and how they react to those around them. My question is – have we, as the church, become the church that is pictured in this song? Are we so wrapped up in our group and our friends that we don’t even notice the hurting world around us or worse yet do we only give the lost negative attention? I know that I work with a great group of students, but I also know that I have watched visitors walk in and not have any of these students speak to them and they leave without a touch from a friendly person. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that we all have our friends that we want to spend time with when we come to church. What I also realize is that when we leave, those people will still be our friends. If our focus is only on those that are close to us, our family, friends, those we have things in common with, we miss those that pass us on the streets or in the halls at school. If we become so wrapped up in our own little world that we never make eye contact with those around us, we will never reach those that are lost around us. If we look down our noses at those that don’t fit in with our group are we any better than the exclusive country club? If we go through life surrounding ourselves with people that are saved how will we ever be salt and light to a dieing world.
If you think that maybe you see a little frustration in the previous paragraph, you do. The church should be a place where the hurting and the lost can find healing, not condemnation. We need not be surprised by the conduct of those that are lost; they don’t have a relationship with Jesus, their still lost. We need to remember that except by the grace of a loving God, we are all those lost and hurting people. We were all once sinners that are now saved by grace. We understand what the need is and how it is fulfilled. That hole, that hurt, can only be fixed by a relationship with Jesus. My prayer is that we would all be aware of those around us, that God would open our eyes and our hearts to the lost in the world that we live in and that God would give us the opportunity to do the work that He has set before us – to reach the lost through His gospel.
For now, I’m done. I’ll write about my other favorite song in another post. Keep your eyes on Jesus and be aware of those around you and seek an opportunity to touch someone for Him.
The first song is “Does Anybody Hear Her”. This song has been haunting me since I heard it for the first time. Being the introvert that I am, I have a tendency to study people and how they react to those around them. My question is – have we, as the church, become the church that is pictured in this song? Are we so wrapped up in our group and our friends that we don’t even notice the hurting world around us or worse yet do we only give the lost negative attention? I know that I work with a great group of students, but I also know that I have watched visitors walk in and not have any of these students speak to them and they leave without a touch from a friendly person. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that we all have our friends that we want to spend time with when we come to church. What I also realize is that when we leave, those people will still be our friends. If our focus is only on those that are close to us, our family, friends, those we have things in common with, we miss those that pass us on the streets or in the halls at school. If we become so wrapped up in our own little world that we never make eye contact with those around us, we will never reach those that are lost around us. If we look down our noses at those that don’t fit in with our group are we any better than the exclusive country club? If we go through life surrounding ourselves with people that are saved how will we ever be salt and light to a dieing world.
If you think that maybe you see a little frustration in the previous paragraph, you do. The church should be a place where the hurting and the lost can find healing, not condemnation. We need not be surprised by the conduct of those that are lost; they don’t have a relationship with Jesus, their still lost. We need to remember that except by the grace of a loving God, we are all those lost and hurting people. We were all once sinners that are now saved by grace. We understand what the need is and how it is fulfilled. That hole, that hurt, can only be fixed by a relationship with Jesus. My prayer is that we would all be aware of those around us, that God would open our eyes and our hearts to the lost in the world that we live in and that God would give us the opportunity to do the work that He has set before us – to reach the lost through His gospel.
For now, I’m done. I’ll write about my other favorite song in another post. Keep your eyes on Jesus and be aware of those around you and seek an opportunity to touch someone for Him.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Reflections, Pain and Enlightenment . . .
You may think this is a strange title for a post, but bear with me for a few minutes and I think that you will understand. I was reflecting on this past weekend. It was a really good weekend in a lot of ways. I had a blast watching our teenagers at sliding rock and then we moved on to one of our favorite past times – ice cream. Then Sunday came and it was great. The praise band did an awesome job. They get better every time they lead us in worship. Their focus on what matters – worship - is incredible. Pastor Chad is preaching the best sermons that I have ever heard him preach and God is at work in our church. Then Sunday evening Barry Ledford brought us a word from God about friendship. I said it that night and I will say it again – I am the luckiest youth pastor around to have men and women who want to work with our students and can step up and share from their hearts about things that God shows them in His word.
I am also reflecting on pain. I have some back problems that I am dealing with right now. I went to the doctor and he sent me to physical therapy. I have never had to deal with this before, but as I sit and think about what God is trying to teach me I am thankful for the doctor that God has placed in my life and people that are willing to be trained to help people that are dealing with physical problems. It has also slowed me down to the point that I am now more receptive to God’s voice and His teachings. Maybe this is my time to be still and know that God is still in control of everything.
Let me just take a minute and say that Ms. Mary Roach is that bomb. She bought Pastor Chad, Robbie and I a book by the lead singer of “Casting Crowns”. Along with that we will get the new “Casting Crowns” CD when it comes out at the end of August. As I sit and read, I find a kindred spirit in the author of this book. I did not know that the lead singer and author of their music is actually a student pastor in the Atlanta area. One thing I know from reading about him and his music is that he gets it. He understands what God wants us to do as followers of Christ. This group’s music paints some of the greatest pictures I have ever seen in print. This book has also given me the idea for a great sermon series for this fall. As much as I love the listen to Eric, Barry and David speak and appreciate their willingness to step in and do what God has called them to do – I can’t wait to get back to preaching on Sunday nights again.
But until that time comes, keep your eyes on Jesus and hang on, business is fixing to pick up.
I am also reflecting on pain. I have some back problems that I am dealing with right now. I went to the doctor and he sent me to physical therapy. I have never had to deal with this before, but as I sit and think about what God is trying to teach me I am thankful for the doctor that God has placed in my life and people that are willing to be trained to help people that are dealing with physical problems. It has also slowed me down to the point that I am now more receptive to God’s voice and His teachings. Maybe this is my time to be still and know that God is still in control of everything.
Let me just take a minute and say that Ms. Mary Roach is that bomb. She bought Pastor Chad, Robbie and I a book by the lead singer of “Casting Crowns”. Along with that we will get the new “Casting Crowns” CD when it comes out at the end of August. As I sit and read, I find a kindred spirit in the author of this book. I did not know that the lead singer and author of their music is actually a student pastor in the Atlanta area. One thing I know from reading about him and his music is that he gets it. He understands what God wants us to do as followers of Christ. This group’s music paints some of the greatest pictures I have ever seen in print. This book has also given me the idea for a great sermon series for this fall. As much as I love the listen to Eric, Barry and David speak and appreciate their willingness to step in and do what God has called them to do – I can’t wait to get back to preaching on Sunday nights again.
But until that time comes, keep your eyes on Jesus and hang on, business is fixing to pick up.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Am I the only one that gets surprised . . .
After a week of what seemed to be absolute silence form God, am I the only one that was surprised when God showed up and spoke? You may think that is a strange question, but let me recap yesterday. Yesterday morning was great. When it seems like God has been quite and you have a great worship service like we did yesterday it changes your whole perspective. To all who had a hand in yesterday morning’s service, it was awesome. The music was over the top as always, but Pastor Chad’s sermon was the bomb (I’ll write about it later in the week when I have my journal.)
After church Irene and I went out to eat with some friends. That is something that I really needed. One of our friends that we ate with is a counselor. We were able to talk over our meal and she was able to pose questions that helped me verbalize some things that I have been struggling with in my own head. Now I understand why time with a counselor can be so important.
Then last night’s youth service time finally came. I don’t know if everyone misses those services when they don’t happen, but that was what had been missing in my life over the last couple of weeks. When I first got there we got off to a stumbling start. The music wasn’t ready and we seemed a lot scattered. Now, granted we have not had youth services for two weeks. We finally made it out to the field for a game of “Soft Base Tennis Ball”. During the game a visitor came walking up about the time we were finishing up. When we headed in, Thomas stepped up and did a song from Family Force Five that was great to get us started. Then Willie and Crystal got up and did a song each to set up the service. Mr. David then brought a message from God. I am really blessed to have guys like David, Barry, and Eric that can bring such powerful messages from God. David’s message was about Drug abuse and what God’s word says about it. It was incredible what happened after the message. The youth group headed over to a home to have some food and fellowship when I notice David sitting with the visitor talking. I asked David if they were going to follow us over and he said yes, so we left. David shows up about 30 minutes later and tells me that he had the honor of leading this young man to the Lord. WOW!!! God showed up and a life was changed forever. Why is it we are surprised when God shows up? Why don’t we expect Him to show up and change lives when He does?
You know, I should know better and yet I get surprised. My faith is still under construction. I should realize that God is still active and working. After last week, this week sure does look different. A little brighter, hope a little greater, attitude a lot better. Let us all be on watch to see where God is a work. Until next time, keep your eyes on Jesus and watch for the surprises.
After church Irene and I went out to eat with some friends. That is something that I really needed. One of our friends that we ate with is a counselor. We were able to talk over our meal and she was able to pose questions that helped me verbalize some things that I have been struggling with in my own head. Now I understand why time with a counselor can be so important.
Then last night’s youth service time finally came. I don’t know if everyone misses those services when they don’t happen, but that was what had been missing in my life over the last couple of weeks. When I first got there we got off to a stumbling start. The music wasn’t ready and we seemed a lot scattered. Now, granted we have not had youth services for two weeks. We finally made it out to the field for a game of “Soft Base Tennis Ball”. During the game a visitor came walking up about the time we were finishing up. When we headed in, Thomas stepped up and did a song from Family Force Five that was great to get us started. Then Willie and Crystal got up and did a song each to set up the service. Mr. David then brought a message from God. I am really blessed to have guys like David, Barry, and Eric that can bring such powerful messages from God. David’s message was about Drug abuse and what God’s word says about it. It was incredible what happened after the message. The youth group headed over to a home to have some food and fellowship when I notice David sitting with the visitor talking. I asked David if they were going to follow us over and he said yes, so we left. David shows up about 30 minutes later and tells me that he had the honor of leading this young man to the Lord. WOW!!! God showed up and a life was changed forever. Why is it we are surprised when God shows up? Why don’t we expect Him to show up and change lives when He does?
You know, I should know better and yet I get surprised. My faith is still under construction. I should realize that God is still active and working. After last week, this week sure does look different. A little brighter, hope a little greater, attitude a lot better. Let us all be on watch to see where God is a work. Until next time, keep your eyes on Jesus and watch for the surprises.
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