Thursday, December 13, 2007

TSO . . .

Ok, I know that I said that I was going to take a break, but I can’t resist. I took my wife to The Trans Siberian Orchestra concert at the Bi-Lo Center last night for her birthday. All that I can say is - WOW!!! That may very well have been the best concert that I have ever been to anywhere. I knew that the music would be over the top because I listen to their stuff at Christmas, but the concert as a whole was beyond description and well worth the money. The staging and the light show/pyrotechnics were way over the top. Maybe the best of all is that they made it snow in the Bi-Lo Center – way cool!!! TSO played for a solid 2 ½ hours almost non-stop. Their mix of classical music and electric instruments is perfection. These guys and girls may well be some of the best musicians around. If you have a chance to see them, go! This is definitely a show that should not be missed. I know one thing – my wife and I will definitely be back new year if they come to Greenville (she’s already asked for tickets for her birthday again next year.)
Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and remember the reason for the season.

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