Monday, December 3, 2007

Where in the world have I been . . .

Sorry that I have not posted lately. Between work at the office, working on Christmas presents that I am making and trying to keep up with everything else, time has been very limited. I have also been chewing on a few things here lately. I promise that I will post on every one of them in the future.
Pray for Irene. She has a horrible bad cold and has lost her voice. Going into the Christmas season this is probably the worst time to get a cold. We have a Christmas parade to walk in this Saturday in Travelers Rest. Also Irene’s birthday is next week and the gathering in Travelers Rest that we do in clown is coming up next week. Pray that God heals her quickly and that she does not give it to anyone else.
I was humble to my bones this week when I read this blog. I was humble because I’m not so sure that I would have been open to following God’s leadership so quickly. Now my prayer is that I would be. Occasionally God reminds me that I am still under construction.
I listened to Perry’s sermon this morning from yesterday at Newspring. All I can say is WOW. I do love the way this guy brings God’s word to life. If you have not heard this sermon yet you can go hear and listen.
Well, I have to get back to work. Until next time – keep your eyes on Jesus and remember that you only have 21 shopping day left.

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