Thursday, December 6, 2007

A break from blogging . . .

If you have been wondering where I have been and why I have not been posting like I have in the past - well it is Christmas and work at the office is crazy. My work schedule is wide open right now and when I get home I am brain dead. I have also been in my shop almost every spare minute for the last few weeks working on Christmas presents. With all that said - I am going to officially take a break from blogging until after Christmas. Irene may post if God gives her something but I am going to rest from this for a little while.
There is a series that I am going to be working on during this time off that I will start with when I get back that has something to do with the new working coming to Greenville after the first of the year. I am getting really excited about that.
Until after Christmas - keep your eyes on Jesus and quit shaking the packages under the tree, some of those are breakables.

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